Join the Revolution

“Tame the Pain & Fear™” for Children

  • Psychosocial Care Interventions

    Explore the significant difference in care outcomes when implementing caregiver involvement, emotional support, simple environmental changes, play, distraction/diversionary techniques, cognitive-behavioral techniques, and more.

  • Non-Pharmacological Interventions

    Build skills related to use of kinesthetics mechanisms, injection techniques, education, preparation & support, comfort positioning, communication, order of procedures, sucking/breastfeeding benefits, sensory experience education, and more.

  • Pharmacological Interventions

    Discover well researched options to decrease pain and suffering for the pediatric population.

Watch Intro Video
  • Sponsorship

    We rely on donation to support our work as a non-profit. If you are interested in sponsoring an individual or group of learners in a low resource area, please donate on our website: or please reach out to our site contact via email.

  • Scholarship

    For individuals, groups or organizations interested in requesting a scholarship, you must first create an account, then sign in and click "SCHOLARSHIP REQUEST" at the top of the screen. Use the link to complete the request form.

"There is no profit in curing the body if in the process we destroy the soul."

- Samuel Goiter, MD